Sigma Phi Delta Fraternity - COVID-19 Response

All Units of the Fraternity,

As the world responds to the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) outbreak, we must also prepare ourselves to limit any exposure to our members.  I encourage all of you, especially leaders of our undergraduate chapters, to visit your state's Department of Health website and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website,  These two places will be the best for up-to-date information.  Most states are also implementing a 24/7 hotline for which you can call.

It is highly recommended that each chapter clean their facilities thoroughly and remind members to practice good hygiene.  Frequently clean all common surfaces, use hand sanitizer, and wash hands regularly.  Avoid direct physical contact and maintain a 6 foot distance when possible to prevent the spreading of the virus.

Effective immediately, I am recommending the following precautionary measures be taken by all undergraduate Sigma Phi Delta chapters.  These measures should remain in effect until April 15, 2020.

  1. All events which are non-essential to the operation of the Fraternity should be postponed or cancelled.  This should include all social events, especially those where non-members of the Fraternity are invited as guests.

  2. All chapter meetings should be held virtually or by conference call if able.

  3. Should members choose to meet in person, all areas are cleaned/disinfected before and after.

  4. The decision to hold in-person meetings should be by vote of the entire active membership NOT executive leadership.

  5. Individual members who make the conscious decision not to attend mandatory events or meetings in order to limit their own personal exposure to COVID-19 should be excused and not subject to any fines/penalties.

  6. Any member who is feeling sick with any symptoms should be encouraged to stay home and should be excused from their duties.

  7. PLEDGING: Chapters are encouraged to make a decision now as to the status of their new members and whether they can be initiated now.  It is recommended, that if new members are close to the end of their process, the chapter finish up remaining material online and proceed to initiate.  Those chapters which are not far into their process, should pause all in-person new member education and convert to online learning.  When it is deemed safe by the chapter, resume in-person new member education.

Exposure Protocols

In the event a member of the Fraternity is found to test positive OR a presumptive positive for COVID-19, the following steps shall be taken:

  1. Notify the Supreme Council immediately by emailing  You are also to contact your respective Province Director by phone.

  2. Notify the membership that a member is presumed to be positive.  Those members that have had direct contact with said member within the past 14 days should be informed so they may begin to self-quarantine.  Do NOT share this members identity for HIPPA reasons.

  3. Immediately cease all in-person operations.  Restrict all members and/or persons from visiting the Chapter house/facilities unless they are residents.

  4. Follow the instructions of your local Health Dept. and Healthcare professionals.

If anyone has any questions as to the operation of their Chapter amidst the COVID-19 outbreak, please contact your Province Director for further guidance.

Recognizing the importance of protecting our chapters and their members, the Supreme Council has allocated resources to reimburse chapters for cleaning supplies.  We encourage chapters to take advantage of this opportunity to purchase items in order to clean the chapter facilities on a regular basis.

Effective immediately, undergraduate chapters may submit for reimbursement for up to $100.00 in cleaning supplies.  Chapters must adhere to the following guidelines:

  1. Only 1 reimbursement request (Form 17) should be filed per chapter.

  2. Reimbursement checks will only be made out to and mailed to the chapter itself.  We will not reimburse any members directly.  Chapters may turn around and reimburse their members separately.

  3. A Form 17 for reimbursement must be submitted no more than 30 days after the purchase.  Any receipts older than 30 days will not be reimbursed.

  4. Eligible items for reimbursement include only those which are essential to the cleaning/disinfecting of the chapter's facilities (IE: paper towels, disinfectant spray, disinfectant wipes, surface cleaners, bleach, etc.)

If anyone has any questions, please consult with your respective Province Director.  All Form 17 reimbursement requests MUST be sent to

Nikki Tulagan